The famous American stand-up
comedian Dennis Miller once said, “Born again?! No, I'm not. Excuse me for
getting it right the first time.” What if you get another life, would you
really want it? Some may be overwhelmed with the idea that they would get
another chance to live right from the start and lead a "perfect"
life. But then trying to be perfect would often stop us from trying something
new, anticipating the chances of failure. We were told as a kid not to pull
everything out of the jar at once and try little by little. After all we can't
have it all. I think "Best", "Perfect" and
"Great" are illusions, there are no right parameters to judge them. Moreover
what seems great to others may not be great for you. Success that doesn't thrill
you is only a success to the world. Why live a life defined by someone else,
when each one of us is so different from another? Why let ourselves be judged
by another when they don't really know who we are? It is only I who knows me
better than anyone else and it is only when I am fully conscious can I identify
my real potentials. Having the right life doesn't mean to live a life that
seems right to the world but to be comfortable with what we have. I think the
right life is when we are happy and have no regrets. When we realize that we
are what we are because of the mistakes we made and learnt from them, can we be
grateful. The right choices that came after lot of wisdom and these self learning
can actually help us appreciate what we have. Nothing is perfect, nothing needs
to be. Being born again therefore is not the right option but loving what we
have and accepting what life has to give us each time is. Life is to be accepted,
celebrated and lived to the fullest extent. I can best explain it in the lines

She balances both
grotesque and grace,
And pulls me up to an
uneven place.
Where I know not what
is right,
Yet obliged to take
up my flight.
She shows me light,
But that’s not
There are shades, I
vaguely realize,
There’s hope too but
in disguise.
To pull her cover,
She takes my labour.
Demands concentration
and needs patience
For she hears and
bears but is in silence.
She blooms like a
flower post some winter,
But again she
withers, grows fainter.
Well that’s not the
For she tries again.
And this time round
she succeeds,
She satisfies and
meets my needs.
To conclude she is
hard but sweet,
Sharp but smooth,
like a knife.
She is pleasant, she
is life.
Like a flickering
candle she may glow with difficulty,
Like a struggling
player she may win with penalty.
But looking deep I
There is light in
this life.