People say listening is a good exercise.
Sure it is, it makes you think, gives a vent to your imagination, improves
creativity and opens new doors. In fact we can only talk if we listen and we
cannot write without listening either. Listening helps us in better
elucidations, it brings up the pent up feelings and often lets us know who we
are and what to do with our skills. If we allow ourselves to listen, we allow
ourselves to grow, to improve and to innovate. So, it is important that we listen
more than we talk and important that we let the knowledge flow in for it to
flow out.
I wonder therefore how important
and urgent it is to decide what to listen. Since listening is an ability that
allows us to learn, it is also something which deeply influences us. So, the
right learning can come from the right listening and hence it is required for
us to meticulously judge what we must allow ourselves to listen. There are a
lot of things happening around us every day and a lot of people talking all the
time. We need to select whom to be with and whom to listen to. Some people are
sadists and gloomy, they infect us with sorrows. Whether or not we are aware of
it we keep falling prey to such negativity when we are surrounded by such
people. It is true that we tend to be like the company we have. Same with what
we chose to listen. There are people who belittle us, who keep telling us that
certain things are not achievable. They are short-sighted, meek, afraid to
grow, reluctant to accept change and spend their whole lives in their comfort
zones, terrified to explore possibilities because they fear to fail. Such
people can only denigrate our confidence and create self doubt. If we need to
grow we need to figure out who to be with and what to learn. I am not saying
that only being in the right company can help, it is about finding positivity.
Reading a good book is like listening to the author speaking to you through his
writings. Watching a motivational video or speech is like learning about new dimensions.
I believe setting the right environment actually helps us grow. So, it is
essential that we create a healthy atmosphere to exchange rational thoughts,
views and ideas that bring positivity.
One of my senior colleagues was accused
by some of her peers for not being such a good listener but I knew she was
doing great and was one of the top performers in her team. Surprised I asked
her if that allegation was even true. To that she smiled and said, "Oh
dear! I am good at listening but it only depends on who is talking!” I agree
that was a bold statement but then she is a strong lady already achieved more
than her peers and doing a lot better to climb the ladders of her career. The
entire day happens to be a cacophony of talks but if only we can trace the
right ones, keep aside the gossips, follow our heart and chose what we want to
listen, I believe the beautiful difference can be made.

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