Saturday 18 July 2015

Believing in Magic

I was reading "Very Good Lives" which is the deeply influential commencement speech delivered by JK Rowling at Havard University. In it she says.

"We do not need magic to change the world,
we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already"

May be that's why when we most want to leave, we decide to stay back and give it a try.
May be that's why miracles are done by people who were most discouraged and mislead but did not quit.
May be that's why we get up one fine morning and get that brilliant idea that changes our life forever.
May be that's why the most weird dream at times starts making sense.
May be that's why we find pleasure where we had least expected it to exist.
May be that's why life keeps giving us one more chance and then another.
May be that's why it's never too late and never too early to try.

And that's what Cecelia Ahern says in her book, "The year I met you" that

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over,
it became a butterfly..."

Time to believe in magic which comes with simple and ordinary phases of life that leads to Miracles!

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