Sunday, 29 July 2018

To write is to feel

(An extract from my poem)

To write is to feel,
The brightness of the day,
The coldness of the night,
The shine of snow covered mountains,
The glitter of the sands in the deserts,
The glow of the moon,
The twinkling of the stars,
The sound of the river,
The roar of the ocean,
To write is to feel,
To write is to live,
As I live, so I write.

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Wednesday, 25 July 2018

When you are alone

At one point you slowly get tired of living alone
And that’s when you step out, trying to be gregarious
Only to realise it was always good to live by yourself
And listen to your heart than being in the crowd
And still being alone.

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Monday, 23 July 2018

Pages of life

When I turn the pages of my diaries that I have kept from time to time, all I find is hope, that I didn't let to die. I find phrases where I have written about my days of failure and then I find another that was accomplishment. I find I have written down the questions that popped up in my head out of curiosity and how they change with time. I can also find myself getting answers as I grow old. I find confusions and illusions clearing its way to greater understanding. I can read about the risks I have taken and the fear that came along with them. I find traces of immaturity and childishness giving its way to a welcoming adult. I can see broken promises, lack of commitment, leading to a much matured self. I can find darkness pushing its way towards light and fragments of desperation leading its path towards hope. There are pages where nightmares turn to dreams and evolve into reality bringing with it most fulfilling zest. I can see hope leading into more hope. These pages remind me of who I was, of what I have become and what I would like to grow into. Its like I have lived through these pages and they are the pages of my life. They remind me that I have sweated enough, transformed enough and lived enough without giving up. These pages tell me what I could do and what can be done. As long as there is hope and as long as I keep writing into them, I can pass the most toughest huddles. 

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Sunday, 22 July 2018

Love is for the strong

I don't owe you a commitment
I haven't made any promises
But when you dare to lend your hand
And ask me to step on another land
All I would need is the groundbreaking trust
To dare and leave all with the pinch of dust
To that day I await when courage would overrule fear
Because love is for the strong
And any kind of fragility would only get it wrong

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Thursday, 12 July 2018

Let me be

Let moments define me not milestones
Let hearts feel me not brains
Let instincts lead me not intellect
Let the scent of flowers matter more than perfumes
Let me choose the sound of rain over the shine of coins
Let life happen to me in fullest before my demise

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Saturday, 7 July 2018


There is a power cut
There is a flickering Candle
A crescent moon by the window
An unfinished book
A half cup of coffee
A fairly scribbled poem
Nineties song playing
And a pregnant pause of happiness 

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Sunday, 1 July 2018


The present would gather into memories
It would let me narrate a platter of stories
Every time I would be alone
And all will be said and done
The memories would float into my mind
Those old happy moments would again make me kind
To live and leave memories is the only thing I find divine

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