Friday, 25 January 2019


Scars they are,
Scars that are left behind.
Scars of victory,
Scars of love,
Scars of pain,
Scars of guilt,
Scars that remind you of a time,
that can never come back,
of time that has tested everything,
the love that bloomed and faded,
the glory that was earned and lost,
the gain that was laced with pain
and healed with time.
the rain that poured heavily and dampened the spirits,
the sun that rose and set to rise again,
the birds that left at every dusk
and the solitude you made peace with,
the people who came into your life,
for a purpose, for a lesson, for whatever
and chose to leave sooner or later.
Scars they are,
that remind you of good and evil,
loss and attainment,
life and death,
Scars that stay whether or not you want them to,
Scars that refuse to fade away with time,
Scars that keep reminding you what you are,
and make you ponder what you will be,
Scars that have become a part of life,
whether you want them to be or not,
Scars that we have accepted and surrendered to,
just like an alter soul that cannot be detached in a lifetime or more.

For more poems please find my book "Here" 

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Friday, 18 January 2019

Heart Breaks

Yes I have endured heart breaks too,
Every time I see an orphaned child picking up
rags on the road,
My heart breaks a little

Every time I visit the old lady next door,
Waiting for years now for her son to arrive,
While hoping against hope,
My heart breaks a little

Every time I drop a coin into the bowl of a crippled man,
Who sits near the temple in all weathers,
My heart breaks a little

Every time I pass a dog lying dead on the road,
Having been crushed by a vehicle, Just like another thing
My heart breaks a little

Every time I order high priced food in a café,
And leave some part of it untouched,
Even when I know there are people dying of hunger
My heart breaks a little

Every time I read about the crimes in the city,
while having my morning coffee,
and close the paper with a heavy sigh,
My heart breaks a little

Every time I set aside enough fortune to grant,
But instead spend most of it on unworthy lavishness,
My heart breaks a little

Every time I turn blind and stolid to my surroundings,
Every time I make and break promises to do my bit for this world,
Every time I am impassive to the sufferings of others,
Every time I indulge myself with extra comfort and elegance,
Every time I turn selfish and cruel with no regards for others,
My heart breaks a little,
It breaks a little more,
And it will keep breaking down,
Until it is shattered to its demise.

For more poems please find my book "Here" 

Please like my page on facebook "Click Here" 

Friday, 4 January 2019


She sits there with a half-smile,
Listening to him or pretending to listen.
Wonder what she is trying to conceal.
Would that smile fade away from there,
Or bloom into a wider curve.
I could never say, and I will never guess.
Her eyes looking at him,
While not looking at all.
Wonder what that stare hides,
Will it rise to pray or look down upon rejection?
I would never attempt to comprehend.
I see no anger in them, nor any trace of sadness.
The moment has paused there,
And I don’t know if its love,
Or a striving desire to belie.
She looks neither old, nor young.
The charm lingers every now and then,
Before deserting and pervading the face again.
She speaks, and I can’t hear what it is,
Because life goes on, the world doesn’t pause ever.
The restaurant is buzzing with people, walking past us,
And each table has a story to tell.
Stories that eyes tell eyes.
Stories that can be read on faces.
Stories that make you ponder.
Stories that create memories to retain.
Stories that kill the passing time.
And stories that remind me of you,
While I sit here alone.
Because you never came,
And I know, you never will.

For more poems please find my book "Here" 
Please like my page on facebook "Click Here" 

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

When a year passes by

When a year passes by it leaves behind lot of reminiscences
I have an unfinished book and I don’t know if Veronica dies
I couldn’t complete a season and I still don’t know
the 13th reason of 13 reasons why
Winter has not yet come for me in the Game of Thrones
as I find it rather too engaging and sometimes gross
I have a half-written poem and words just refuse to flow
I also have a blog page untouched since a month
I have a dairy with ten ways to cook chicken
and have tried only the first two
I follow a website that states the most scenic places
to travel
I have a travel bag and even a travel kit,
but still waiting to go on a long vacation

I had huge plans that didn’t materialize
I had many dreams that didn’t transpire
However, I have nothing to be flustered about
As this is how life presents itself
unfinished, undone and unacquired
This is what is living in the world like
Having a little, doing a little and giving a little
Perfection is rather boring and so is being complete
And here I am at the dawn of a new year
Wanting a little, dreaming a little and
most importantly living my unimportant life
When a year passes by, I realise that this is all
that is left in this beautiful life
The simple pleasures, the unfinished joys,
some old abandoned stuff and yet something new to dive

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For more poems please find my book "Here" 

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